With the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation in Australia, what are your responsibilities as an employer and what rights do your staff have?

Protecting your staff

It’s your duty to protect staff and their health and safety whilst in the workplace. We would advise to ensure you are prepared in the event the situation requires further action. We recommend:

  • Keeping everyone up to date with ways to reduce risk of exposure in the workplace.
  • Making sure that all staff are aware of the symptoms to look out for, and what they can to reduce the risk of contracting the virus (this includes washing hands or using hand sanitisers, coughing or sneezing into tissues and then disposing of them).
  • Planning ahead for potential scenarios where your staff aren’t able get to work. Consider remote working in case your workplace needs to close down temporarily, ensuring all staff have access to the resources they need.
  • Ensure that you provide adequate facilities to wash and sanitise hands regularly.
  • Ensure that frequently touched objects and surfaced are regularly cleaned and disinfected.
  • Make sure your personnel files are up to date and that you have emergency contact details for all staff.

Consider whether staff travel to affected areas is essential. If you wish to discuss any of these issues, please contact us for help.

We encourage employees and employers to work together to find appropriate solutions that suit the needs of individual workplaces and staff. This may include taking different forms of leave, working from home, or taking extra precautions in the workplace.

Workplace entitlement & obligations

The Fair Work Ombudman have published some helpful information about your workplace entitlements and obligations if you’re affected by the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19).

On that page, you can find answers to:

  • What happens if an employee or their family member is sick with coronavirus?
  • What if an employee is stuck overseas or is required to be quarantined or to self-isolate?
  • What if an employee wants to stay home as a precaution?
  • What if an employer wants their employees to stay home as a precaution?
  • When can employees work from home?
  • What about casual employees and independent contractors?
  • What if I need to let employees go or reduce their working hours?
  • Can employees be directed not to travel?
Keep updated

As the landscape is constantly changing with regards to medical advice and the spread of the virus, our current advice is to keep checking credible government websites for support and guidance.

The main source of information to check for the latest updates is Department of Health website.

Your State or Territory Public Health Unit’s website – for local coronavirus response activities and advice

Safe Work Australia for information and referrals about managing the risks of contracting coronavirus in the workplace.

Your State or Territory workplace health and safety body – who can also assist with workers compensation enquiries.

Comcare (Commonwealth) for Australian Government employees and for employees of organisations which self-insure under the scheme.

Smart Traveller webpage on the Coronavirus.

Contact us if you would like further advice. Advice correct as at 13 March, 2020. Keep your eyes peeled for our post about setting up your staff for remote working.