Given the Governments three-step plan, they have now started to progressively ease the restrictions they have in place.

The AHPPC has provided strong advice on the conditions that must be met as we establish COVID safe ways of working and living so that we can reopen parts of the economy in the safest possible way while living with COVID-19.

For businesses, this also means taking the time to prepare and develop a plan to operate in a COVID safe way to protect their customers and workers. With every one of us playing our part, we should all feel safe and confident in leaving the house and starting to do some of the things we’ve missed in the last few months!

Each step we take needs to be underpinned by a strong commitment from all of us to:

  • Stay 1.5 metres away from other people whenever and wherever we can
  • Maintain good hand washing and cough/sneeze hygiene
  • Stay home when we’re unwell, and getting tested if we have respiratory symptoms or a fever
  • Download the COVIDSafe app so we can find the virus quickly, and
  • Develop COVID safe plans for workplaces and plans.

Although there is no fixed date as to when the overall lockdown will end, businesses should now start planning what a return to work will look like for their employees.

There is no one-size fits all approach, and ultimately each business will need to devise its own strategy based on the guidance we have been given to date but also their own individual circumstances.

There will be many other wider factors to consider as the country returns to what is likely to be a ‘new normal.’ These will include:

  • Businesses unable to afford to take staff back at the end of the stand-down period. Many will need to consider offering unpaid leave, reduced hours / salary or redundancy
  • How employees will travel to and from work safely if many rely on public transport
  • How to continue with remote working, inevitable for many businesses
  • Motivating returning staff and helping to protect their mental health (see our blog post on supporting employee mental health)
  • Managing staff holidays, with returning staff expecting to take holiday during the second half of the year
  • Addressing the issue of business travel in the future.

Employers now have a huge responsibility to take care of their staff and ensure their physical and mental wellbeing whilst at work. Many will be anxious about returning, and many may be keen to continue with the remote working they have experienced so far.

Our advice, in addition to the official guidance, would be to assess the following areas:


Assess the workplace in the first instance with a risk assessment to identify how it will work best to bring staff back in. Consider:

  • Social distancing at work stations / meetings / communal areas such as toilets and kitchens. If in larger buildings then use of lifts and access to and from the building
  • Provision of protective items such as hand gels / sanitisers / handwashing facilities and possibly the provision of gloves and masks.

A phased return is generally being advised so you will need to consider how many staff can return to the workplace, when and why. Be careful not to discriminate against staff when making these decisions and take into consideration different circumstances.

During this time, it would be advisable to review staff holidays and encourage employees to take some time off now or consider rolling over to next year to protect the business in the second half of the year.

If the business is not able to afford to bring back employees fully after standing them down then it may have to consider offering reduced hours / salary or redundancy.


Recalling employees and getting the business back up and running will require notice and all staff should be notified in writing (including those who have been stood down).

Payroll will also need to be notified to make salary adjustments.

Sickness policies and employment contracts may need to be updated to reflect the new set of requirements.

Staff motivation and mental health

This has undoubtedly been a stressful time for everyone, and many employees may feel anxious about returning to the workplace. Consider a re-induction process for returners to reset targets, assess priorities and gain a sense of how they are feeling. Employers will need to be flexible to deal with staff requests and understanding about how this new situation is likely to affect their performance.

There may also be increased requests for flexible working as many employees try to reset the work / life balance they have experienced during lockdown.

Contact us today for advice and guidance.